Calling for Support In The Telling of African Stories Through Film – “We Have A Responsibility To Keep Our Stories Alive For The Future Generation.”

Oliver O. Mbamara Esq., Filmmaker, Attorney, Judge, Writer, Poet.

“Africans must rise to the challenge of telling their own stories. There are many African stories to be told, and histories and cultures to be safeguarded through the African perspective. Nollywood offers both a voice for our people and a bed of investment opportunities to be explored and enjoyed.” Continue reading

How To Deal With Propaganda And Misinformation In A Time of Media Influence And Domination

Oliver Oscar Mbamara, Esq, Attorney, filmmaker, Actor, Poet, & Writer

“Be the keeper of your own gate of information. Invest a brief moment of research to verify anything suspicious or outrageous… Every human being has the ability of choice and the faculty of imagination and analysis. That is what makes man a divine creature. One has to be alert and aware to be able to feed on the right stuff.” Continue reading